Monday, January 19, 2004

Massachusetts Senator John Kerry (D) wins Iowa Caucuses


The results;
John Kerry 38%
John Edwards 32%
Howard Dean 18%
Dick Gephardt 11%

okay, seriously, didnt expect it. he made a pretty gd speech, criticizin bush from all corners, but kerry n edwards were considered pretty much K.O.-ed. wat a surprise, wit dean endin up third, and gephardt is gonna pull out of the race after his dismal showin in this. v interestin indeed. i guess all eyes will b on new england next wk, wit the new hampshire primaries, which will b really interestin battle. i thought it would b dean n clark head on, now kerry's in the race too. plus, the super bowl, yes, i hope pats win. im gunnin for clark, but am i obliged to support kerry? since im a massachusetts n all...

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