Sunday, July 17, 2005

At the Weezer gig

I went for the local 99x radio gig that they set up this weekend for
Weezer at Underground Atlanta today. Initially, I was rather hesitant
about going, as I wasn't too much of a Weezer fan, let alone know any
songs by them by song title except for Buddy Holly. Second, I just
felt like sitting in my room and watching some quality movie.

However, the bunch of us just relented, and we went for it. The place
was packed to full way before they played. We decided to go and look
for places to eat before coming back to Underground. We spent like an
eternity trying to food, as the fast food places weren't good enough
for my friends, and if that wasn't the case, everything was closed
after 7 or 8pm. I'm so used to being able to go out at anytime and
find a place to go in Singapore, it just pissed me off. First off,
its a Saturday, you're bound to have business in downtown Atlanta.
Second off, there's more likely chance that it will be a more
successful weekend as compared to the rest of the week. Especially
during the night.

And I kinda got pissed off as we were just walking and walking, and
even if we found a place, it seemed none of the others were willing
to compromise to the situation at hand and decided it wasn't good
enough for us to go. In the end, we ended up walking all around Five
Points area and we walked by foot to the CNN Headquarters, where
there were decent stuff to eat, but once again, not good enough.

If there's anything you can count on, then the chances are that you
can always depend on a Mexican, Waffle House or a Chinese place.
Chinese places are the only ones that seem to be open and available
at any given time. There happened to be a place right next to CNN, so
we ended up going there. Afterall, who can say no to Chinese in the US?

I haven't had seafood for a really long time (well, I had that double
lobster in Boston, but let's not count that, since that was in Boston
and not Atlanta) so I picked a seafood dish, which was kind of
pricey, but since we walked around for almost 2 hours and I was
fucking hungry, I decided to go for it. The initial reaction upon
being served was that I picked a bad dish, as it clearly seemed it
wasn't worth the money I was paying for. However, it kind of got
better as I kept eating and forgot about the minor points, I was
pretty full by the end.

So we ended up going back to Underground. Further disappointment to
follow. The concert was pretty good I guess, I recognized about 3
songs. What made it bad was the people. I've never actually gone to a
gig among so many people. Well, since it was free, it was obviously
the case. What made me pissed off was the normal teenagers/college
kids just making a fool out of themselves. If not for the beer and
the cigarettes, it would have been a perfectly fine concert. People
weren't there to appreciate the music, everything was like a 'show,'
meeting with people, socializing, screaming incessantly, doing stupid
things like throwing empty beer bottles to other people in the front,
etc, etc.

Has society become such that everyone seems to be suffering from
Attention Disorder? Is life so bad that now people need an excuse to
drink and have fun? I noticed this when I started attending the
football games at Tech. It seems like every single event is a social
event, which kind of makes me sick. Sure, it's good to have fun with
your buddies and catch a game or attend a band, but leave it at that.
Sometimes it seems like the sport or the music does not make any
difference, they're just there for the sake of being, convincing
themselves that that is an excellent opportunity to just drink, do
stupid things and get wasted.

This is a serious issue. I can't go anywhere and find people not
doing stupid things. When I go to a game, I want to watch people
play. When I attend a concert, I want to listen to the band. All
these people around me that just drinks and makes a lot of noise and
making a fool of themselves are distracting and just utterly stupid,
at least in my mind. Do it somewhere else.

People dressing up to go to concerts. Why? To meet people,
socialize,impress them and maybe get laid?

Please. Don't make it seem like life is so boring. You're just not
using your time right. Everything is boring to you, but its not like
you're doing anything useful with the luxurious amount of time you
have in your hand anyway. It's just another excuse you need to get
drunk. That is the bigger tragedy here.

I don't have problem with people wanting to have fun, but I have a
problem with how these people go about 'having' fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you have a point. i think what you're trying to say, is that theres a time and place for everything. right? it all boils down to having a bit of self control and knowing when enough is enough. but, sometimes, people just get in over their heads having fun and dont know when to drinking makes it harder to discern between whats overboard and whats not, and drinking also usually makes you dont give a shit. -laughs-

im not one of those drunks. uh-uh. im a laugh out loud drunk. but only in private. wont see me creating a ruckus in public. its true! ask the guys! =p they'll also tell u that i get drunk so fast. haha.

dont think so much abt it Walid.
i used to get so annoyed at such things as well. In the Army, most things dont really work the way they're supposed to. And people have a knack of dissapearing when you have Questions to ask and work to do. Nowadays, i tell myself "just let it slide"
the more i provoke myself with these small issues, the sooner im gonna die! and with my sio-ing. im gonna go alot faster.
