Wednesday, April 06, 2005


so its official and sealed: i will be working as a supply chain co-op student at, LCC starting 17th of may.

i guess the opportunities and my qualifications for this particular companies were too much to not grab on to. i might have had a good shot with masterfoods or heatcraft, but my familiarity with japan and singapore, and my ability to speak japanese can be best utilized at this place. plus, i will be working in close proximity with the CEO, COO, CFO, and all the important people, which might prove to be beneficial in terms of additional exposure. i can commute from campus, keep my housing job, so there isnt really much more i can ask for.

if you want to know what the company is about, here are two articles i stumbled upon while researching to prepare for the interview.

RubberNetwork Delivers e-Sourcing
RubberNetwork Reports $105 Million in Savings for 2004

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