Monday, November 29, 2004

Thanksgiving break at Naperville, IL

that was a great weekend. i got to see my dad after almost 4 months, and one of my cousins after like 8 years or something. the weather was horrible though, my flight was delayed for 3 hours. wednesday was mad, everyone scrambling to get home for thanksgiving. there was enough frustration in everyone to just stand up and scream. when we finally left atlanta, people started clapping in the plane. when we landed, the captain offered a scant word of consolation, stating 'we just flew from one of the most busiet airport in the world to another equally busy one in the most treacherous of conditions.' in my 5 days in chicagoland, i saw 3 very different weathers. my other cousin took 3 hours just to get from the airport to my place, since he was new to chicago. wednesday night was a snow storm, the snow stacked up to my ankle height. and then in 2 days, it was pouring really heavily. the last day, the sky cleared up and the sun was really warming up the place like atlanta.

i found out that thanksgiving wasnt a christian custom that americans practiced but its origins were that of the native americans and the europeans getting together. it seems like from now on, thanksgiving will be my annual getting together with my other family members. so it was my whole family, my two cousins from my dad's side, my uncle and his wife for the weekend, so it was pretty awesome.

we also went to couple of people's place during that time. the most interesting was when my dad went to visit his dorm friend from his university days. they finally met after 23 years. it was amazing how those two still kept in touch and he coincidentally happened to live near us. looking at them and thinking how i will be interacting with people i know now, i cant picture how it will turn out.

we went to watch 'alexander' which was like a bad version of lord of the rings. some of the scenes showed really homosexual scenes that was just bad. i mean i knew alexander was bisexual, but they could have portrayed his other parts of life in a better way. it is indeed a flop of the year. all the 3 movies that had kings and knights as their main theme flopped (troy, king arthur and of course, alexander) which is really disappointing coz i just love the medieval era.

oh, and i also went to the top (well, not really) of the world's tallest building, the SEARS Tower in chicago. i drove past it this spring, but didnt get to go up. it was a fascinating sight from all four directions and you could technically see michigan, wisconsin and indiana.

since i'll be heading back to chicago after my finals, i didnt really feel so bad about leaving, but im definately looking forward to being there for the winter. well, save for the sub zero temperature (it was like 28-36 when i was there... about -2 to 5 degrees celcius)

surprisingly my flight back to atlanta wasnt delayed, which was a welcome. i got back in good time, enough to get a good dinner at moe's and read my history text. i just gotta read 40 more pages for the semester.

it was another case of my alienated presence at the airport. i dont think ill go deep into it, but it was one of those times where it was just depressing, like how i wanted to blog about this some time ago, about how two people can come together and leave without a word. she was sitting right infront of my seat during the flight, in the next cabin on the train ride back to north avenue, but all we did was just glance at eachother time to time, to cross our eyes and quickly look elsewhere. listening to zero 7 and dido in the train made me feel worse, but somehow their tune was just the antidote i needed to get through it.

when am i gonna do something about this? it just keeps happening...

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