Thursday, August 19, 2004


sometimes things just doesnt make sense. but it happens anyway.

i remember the psychology lecturer saying something about how people study this and that. to find out the reasons why certain things behave the way they do and such. if we think out of that context, then someone is trying to find an answer to something all the time. that's why we have so many things in the world. in quest for an answer.

why cant somethings happen without any reason? does reason have to be present for something to occur? maybe that's why there's religion, for people seeking the truth, or reason, because as we continue to question, there will be a point where there is no answer. that's why scientists keep researching about how we came into existence and whatnot. why couldnt we just be a creation of accident? is that so hard to imagine that that can happen? i mean there are billions of people, does death really need a meaning, when there are so many others on earth? i think we just come and go. period. no more, no less. so what if there's nothing after death. there might be, but we wont know. im not gonna go to so much detail about this, but i just felt like saying it. we seek for too much answers or the truth. but it is good, coz that's what drove us to where we are today. and it will continue to advance the human race.

but then i come back to the question; does everything need a reason? its ironic, because that is a question in itself that i dont bother to seek an answer to. since i point out that there need not be a reason, im just gonna leave it at that.

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