Tuesday, June 29, 2004

clash of the (whatever remaining) titans..

tonight's the night... portugal vs holland.

statistically, both teams are in for a bad omen. holland, in their past 4 competitions, always bowing out in the semis, and as for portugal, the hosts of the past 3 euros always bowing out in the semis as well.

but i hope that hope support prevails over the not so strong dutch.

it seems that the match screening in the theatres is free. gotta ask in the box office, but i guess most of the seats are taken up well beforehand, but i'll try to ask anyway. hazril, if you change your mind about watching the finals on sunday (well, actually monday) just lemme know. i mean i cant force you since its tecnically a monday morning match.

supposed to meet chahat today, but so far, no news. maybe later on.


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