Sunday, September 07, 2003

damn, couldnt log in yesterday. was frustratin considerin i had nothin to do since it was internationals week. which means no premiership footie on telly. woke up quite late, as usual. gotta start buckin up from monday. o, i'm talkin bt saturday btw, since i couldnt blog for yesterday. woke up to a weird weird dream. i had powers of neo n i could stop bullets. we were on top of a building when some ppl clad in black suit suddenly popped out n started shootin at us. i calmly put my hand in front as tho i'm jesus n stopped bullets as well as time. i asked friends who were wit me to go as far n as safe as they can, while i took morpheus on a motorbike rampage in the city. damn, i jumped off a buildin on tt machine! considerin i got fear of height, i'll never do tt shit IRL. (o, its a term in messageboard of Sports Interactive Community for In Real Life, i got so used to usin it) yea, anyway, after couple of minutes of swayin n gettin past traffic, i came to a place similar to the now defunct fantasy island, where ppl were queuein up for somethin. i juz cut the queue n the guy in charge asked me a question, then i said somethin i cant remember, his face changed, n he let me in like it was a passcord or somethin. tts when i woke up. haha, i guess too much matrix. there was some romancin on the way as well. i kissed a friend of mine promisin her tt i'll meet her back at the usual place. i'm like, usual place? where? n the big thing, damn, i kissed the girl man. i wouldnt do tt kinda stuff at this point in time. but the scene was rather sweet.

watched pirates of the caribbean for the second time in three days. tt's how impressed i was wif the movie. johnny depp didnt fail to amuse me once again. words from his mouth like mate, savvvy sounds so cool out of him.

my brother bought couple of clothes at a store near the theatre. almost everythin related to man utd. he supports the club, so i let him b. i'm at no position to tell him which club to support. i juz care bt my own shit. talkin bt clothes, i dun really care wat i wear so long as its comfortable. im surprised a lot of ppl dress to make themselves look good or to impress others. i dun really care bt tt shit. wats the pt trynna make yaself look gd or tryin to impress some girl or guy? in the end, its down to ur own character n personality to do all the talkin isnt it. besides, if u need to impress by looks, tt says enough bt the person ure tryin to impress n all. true friends n whatnots should b interested in u by how u r n ur personality. stop bein so fake.

i realised in the past couple of days talkin wif my best of friends tt i do hav a lot of my own principles n believes, but hardly voice them out. i usually keep it within myself n debate bt such issues durin shower, or when i cant sleep. a lot of things, be it how ppl we know function, how views of certain ppl make a difference, relationships, n the list can go on. most of the time its bt friends n relationships. i was surprised when two of my best friends were actually impressed or interested by wat i was proposin to them. not many ppl understand or know of my somewhat hard headed principles coz i hardly voice em out. but when these guys got to know, they were like, when were u ever like tt? i didnt know. the answer; always. i keep things to myself coz its a burden if u voice everythin tt goes in ur mind out. u'll end up havin conflicts n endless arguments wit those who dont share ur opinion. tts wat i refrain from. coz i know by myself tt its hard for me to change tt opinion once i got it. i'm not talkin bt prejudice, i'm v fair, if u dun mind my flauntin, but i really am. i only come to conclusion bt certain things only n only after ive had considerable amount of time observin n thinkin bt it. i dun come to a rash decision n let tt b it. of cuz tt wouldnt b smart move. but sadly, i came to realise, i might hav lot of gd thoughts n all but it somehow doesnt come to influence my life. things for example in relationships. i guide my best friends a lot when it comes to tt, but takin a look at my own life, it seems i hardly hav had any success, if at all, not tt i'm lookin for any. but its rather ironic how ive got most of moral issues settled all up in my head, but its not bein applied at all to my own life.

o well mayb i dun wanna apply it now. ive got too much things to deal wif tt all these subdividients r not necessary right now. besides, i'm pretty much content wit wat ive got right now. gd friends, gd time, n gd lifestyle. i cant ask for anythin more than tt.

yea, so after the movie, i went back, to realise we were supposed to hav a kids vs adults cricket match at my estate. but upon reachin, i found out it was cancelled so i juz joined em to play regular soccer. only way i move my ass in weeks of studyin n takin exams. i realise i've lost a lot of fitness. few mins of runnin n i'm pantin. stark contrast to those days only few months back when i used to finish 2.4 km in near 10 mins. tt's considered quite gd apparantly. well, ever since the SARS incident, my fitness has gone down sharply. all i get is regular doze of soccer n tts all.

after a gd workout for the day, n some gd ball control after a long time, i took second shower of the day and a very much wanted dinner. the estate was havin some mooncake festival thing so i went down there for a while wif my mom.

well tt was prob it for yesterday, after havin a long chat wif a friend n was off to sleep at bout 1. woke up at 10 again today. damn, i gotta stop this soon! i gotta wake up early n not waste time..!

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