I know you care for me
There for me, there for me
Said you'd be there for me
Cry for me, cry for me
You said you'd die for me
Give to me, give to me
Why won't you live for me"
I think im finally over the over stressed n depressed phase. at the end of the day, i felt somethin inside my head hoppin up n down with joy or happiness. couldnt tell y tho. its a tuesday, damn slack, almost felt like a holiday. compared to yesterday, very contrastin sch life in juz 2 days. tho i've gotta say maths was a bore, tryin to keep still durin 2 periods wasnt too comfortable. but we finally finished watchin 'Meet The Parents' later on in ME so tt was quite hilarious. Physics was better! we discussed prelim qtns for 1 perioid, n the other period was basically spent on listenin to Mr Mannan's hilarious experiences with computers and NS life. everyone juz got restless once he started talkin phy n when he diverted, everyone would stop to listen n all. but my god, we were laughin till we cried.
got a lot of stuff to discuss tonight. so i'm gonna press the issue.
first one, about the rapin of a girl by 7 English Premier League stars.
*Section removed/censored in order to prevent myself from gettin into legal problems*
second issue for today.. rather provocative n mayb im bein a little too sensitive...
but i noticed... some ppl.. in sch or in public places... they 'know' they're bein looked at or somethin, n they behave in such a way like they're so in a league of their own. ok, u might think i've bein too absolute. but when u actually observe the same person doin tt more than a number of times, u can help but notice such irritatin gesture. suppose i'm sittin down in the caf, ppl naturally would walk past. by normal standards, its 50-50 tt someone passin by looks into ur eyes n u look back. tt's perfectly normal. then in a flash, we look away kinda thin. i mean, if they arent someone u know, its unlikely tt u maintain eye contact. but these ppl, they NEVER look. its so weird. u can tell that they know ure lookin at them coz they keep such a fake straight face n pretend to walk past n didnt see u. i'm not talkin bt girls, but guys as well. its almost like, y r u lookin at me, i'm too gd or too cool for u. i get so disgusted by this. i can pin point certain individuals in sch, who ive noticed does it all the time. i dunno if its juz me or them, but u cant help but feel sad for em in a way. think u got class? think again. mayb u dont. u juz think u do.
came back home rather early, coz its tuesday, showered, coz it was so darn hot n i was sweatin mad once again. once i was done with tt, got down to my work for today; do 3 SAT maths papers. its a pain in the butt, coz i gotta analyse my mistakes n all after markin everythin. the scores were quite the same. 630 for first, 690 for second, 670 for last. i guess SAT is a pretty gd way to see ur standard, coz u get wat u r capable of. doesnt improve much nor deprove.
while takin one of the breaks in between the tests, came across one of those personality test n gotta say, this one speaks v well of me. in fact, i think its one of my best description i've ever come across.
i was v surprised at the result, but after readin, i kinda agreed. yea, this is me.
The ULTIMATE personality test
brought to you by Quizilla
some of u might not b able to read this, so here is the same thing.
'you are the rock, the keystone of your friends n family. they look to you for support n leadership. you dont push for devotion or attention but when the situation is dire, even the idols n exhibitionists will turn to you. you are the trusted the loved. you have the capacity to love more deeply than any other type and are fiercely devoted to your friends n lovers. highy idealistic you would rather sacrifice everythin for a person or cause you believe in. but you trust so deeply n compassionately that a betrayal could shatter you. jealousy is your downfall and sometimes you need to give people more space and not become so enamored. be careful who you place your trust in, for a protector's broken heart will never fully heal. the world needs more of you but you are few. and sometimes it seems like you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders'
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