I've not felt such injustice for a long time...
Probably should not blog about it, until finals are over, as I still have two more major papers I need to take, and am in a serious need of sleep as well.
But I went into my probability exam very confident of landing an A, only to find out that the final exam was nothing I've imagined it to be, very abstract, the open notes policy didn't help. And to think that some people were allowed to skip the final based on a high average by just having an upper hand in being able to obtain the test material from a website - well, that's a story I'll have to tell next time I get to blog. I would have thought that I was probably one of the few people in the class who actually knew what was going on in the class and whatnot, and to be shafted while the guys who probably don't have equal understanding of the material as I do get away with an A and me getting a B... well, that's just making me mad. What's more, there's practically no ground for argument against this, as no rules were broken. Sometimes, you just gotta sit there and take the unfairness.
My MSE results are out.. I made a 87, which means I got a B, and I should be happy, but not getting an A in probability renders it pointless.
Unless, somehow, a miracle takes place, of course, which I'll find out when the final grades are out on monday, but I highly doubt that there will be any chance of that happening.
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