Well, well, I'm finally here. I calculated the time it took from door to door, and it came out to be around 37 hours - and I only managed to sleep for a max of 1 hour in between. But whatever it is, I'm here in one piece and glad to be here.
I guess my sleep deprivation continued its work, I went to sleep at 4:30am, but snapped out of it around 12, so I'm trying not to sleep at all during the day and just sleep at night. Who knows, I might be able to combat the jetlag well, it hasn't really sunk in yet.
Denise left her and Koustav's number, so I called them up, and Koustav was so delighted to hear my voice, boy, was I glad to talk to him too! I went out with Lorraine and Samantha for lunch, just easing up to the weather. It was cold by Singapore's standards, but a little too warm for mine, but I guess I'll get used to it.
I'll write up by travel log soon, just not yet. Oh, and an update on my grades for the semester - yeah, I got 2.35. I definitely burnt out. But thank goodness, I don't have to repeat any classes, so I'm just gonna take it and deal with it. My overall is still above 3.0 and is on course for at least an honors, so I just gotta make sure everything's fine from now on. I'm now classified a Junior (third year level), so I should have access to quite a lot of classes from now on. Whatever. I'm here to take a big break and just forget about academics for a while.
I'm just glad I'm here!
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