Hi, i happened to chance upon your blog thru a friend. And i realise you were from SA. and you are studying in atlanta. I happen to be from SA as well. I graduated last year. Am a freshman in atlanta too. Currently studying at Oglethorpe Uni. Nice to know tt someone from singapore, from SA is here in Atlanta too.
Nice of you to let me know! There are a number of people from SA here actually. I know two other guys in Georgia Tech and I'm sure there are some more that I don't know of somewhere around. E-mail me if you need anything.
Sure thing (: I'm actually living off campus. My brother is here as a freshman at Emory. But as far as i have heard, there isnt very much singaporeans here in Atlanta though. (:
Hi, i happened to chance upon your blog thru a friend. And i realise you were from SA. and you are studying in atlanta. I happen to be from SA as well. I graduated last year. Am a freshman in atlanta too. Currently studying at Oglethorpe Uni. Nice to know tt someone from singapore, from SA is here in Atlanta too.
Nice of you to let me know! There are a number of people from SA here actually. I know two other guys in Georgia Tech and I'm sure there are some more that I don't know of somewhere around. E-mail me if you need anything.
Sure thing (: I'm actually living off campus. My brother is here as a freshman at Emory. But as far as i have heard, there isnt very much singaporeans here in Atlanta though. (:
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