How quickly a week can change for me.
After an awesome trip to Auburn, AL and the fantastic game, this week
turned out to be a nightmare. It seemed as if my bad was turned
upside down and all my assignments, homework and other things came
all at once, to be either completed by this week or the next. I've
slept very little, cramming in power naps whenever I can afford them
and working on things from early in the morning until pretty late
into the night. I'm so glad this weekend is here, I need some serious
break. It doesn't help that there's a CS test on Tuesday and MSE test
on Friday. I am seriously lost in the MSE class, and it may be the
first class I might fail at Tech. But it's only the third week and
it's too early. At this point, it's as if I'll be content to get a C
in that class.
I knew this class would be tough, but not this tough that I have
absolutely no clue what's going on. To make things worse, I just got
my textbook from an online purchase, and all these while, I only had
the lecture slides which made no sense whatsoever to me. I decided to
skip out on the GT Six Flags night by selling my ticket to Scott and
to get an early start on my MSE, but it took me about an hour to go
through 10 pages.
The Drude Model is somewhat related to the conductivity issues I
learned during my time in high school, but it goes a notch higher
with the introduction of drift velocities and mean scattering time.
There's just too many variables being introduced and too many
formulas popping up, I'm finding it very hard to keep up. There's
about 9 lectures worth of material I have to go through on my own, on
top of the Java test prep (which shouldn't be too hard, my elementary
C++ knowledge enables me to figure things out as they are very
similar) and other homework, not to mention the research I'm doing on
To make things worse, I undertook an part-time assignment from
RubberNetwork. I thought consolidating spreadsheets would not be too
much of a work, but I seriously underestimated the task. I should
have known, if they were asking me to do it, at the rate I was
getting paid over the summer for this work, it meant it was actual
work. How true that turned out to be, I spent couple of hours
everyday making sure that all the data that were copied from one
spreadsheet to another was right and whatnot. That put a real dent in
my academics for this week. But hey, at least I'm compensated well
for the work.
Java prep shouldn't take too much, I'm going to read through the text
and figure out the key identities and methods that could be used, and
then I'll devote the rest of my time to MSE. Most of tomorrow's time
will be taken up by the game against UNC, but that should be fine.
What's so weird is that I used to do so much more couple of years
back and didn't really feel tired at all, but now it seems I tire
faster with less work. Is it due to the lack of exercise or what? Or
is this what happens as you age?
It's 3, I better get my much needed sleep. This is horrid, I haven't
watched a movie since 'Cronicas', not even on my laptop, and that's
I'm so looking forward to the end of next week already. Oh, this is
going to be long and tough.
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