Nyla, their cat. She doesn't seem to like me too much.
my cousin, nabeela. she's always on the run, and she disappeared the second after taking this photo.
my other cousin, sabriya (center) with her friend... err.. damn, im so bad with names.
the eldest of the cousins, sharmeen suggested i try on heels, so i tried. i couldnt even get my foot inside.
i just have to say that the pic of you with the cat gets a 10 for cute-fuzziness!!
walid you lost your tits!
i see Lem doesnt mince her words. but yes, you have lost some weight!
what have you been up to eh?
too much shagging.
bad campus food, thus not eating a lot, plus a lot of walking around campus and rigorous studying. instead of gaining 15 pounds in my freshman year, i lost 15 pounds. that's about 7-8kg i think.
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