ive been yearning to blog, but i have been busy packing to leave my room tomorrow and finishing other things that i did not get a chance to sit down and blog outright.
since i was done with my finals on tuesday, i have been taking it a little easy, talking to people, packing, listening to music and just enjoying whatever that has been left of the semester, which, consequently, piled what needed to be done. but its all cool now.
watched number of films over the course of the few days, namely 'the royal tenenbaums,' 'the life aquatic with steve zizzou,' 'brazil,' 'kingdom of heaven' and as the title would have explained, 'crash.'
i realized after watching 'the royal tanenbaums' that the same director did 'steve zizzou.' now, i thought both the movies were interesting, but i found it a little too slow and stale for my taste. wes anderson is probably very good in directing that slow dramatic sort of movies with bill murray and all, but just not my cup of tea. a nice experience though.
on the other hand, 'brazil' was a visionary. to even think that that kind of movie was made in 1985 is remarkable. it told a complete satire of our current society and how things might become in the near future (heck, it has already happened!) and whatnot, it was a very good movie, though james still refuses to acknowledge that that was fantastic.
we did that watch two movies but buy only one ticket thing today, with 'kingdom of heaven' first. i must say, i was kind of let down, cinematography and designs were well done, but the movie jumped scenes too fast and it was almost random at times. i admire ridley scott for his work on 'gladiator' and 'black hawk down' but this fell below expectations. i thought that finally an warrior epic would be amazing, but like the three notorious ones that failed, this falls in their class.
movie of the night, heck, of the year, should go to 'crash.' it was on limited release, and i was very lucky i stumbled upon it on apple trailer page, as the trailer was enough to make me wanna go watch this. its probably the strongest movie ive seen since 'closer,' if not, one of the best film in the recent years that ive seen. i think this goes straight to my top 5 list, it was such a moving, yet strong look at how everything flows. some compares this to the 'six degrees of separation' theory and it might be, but it was darn good. it kept me captivated, and as i would have made it clear by now, i love multi scenarios flowing simultaneously, so this was a feast for me. if this doesn't move or impress one, i honestly don't know what else will. someone deserves an oscar or something for this work, seriously. the best point... well, i shouldn't give it away, just go watch it, there's a particular scenem that's probably worth half the star that makes it 5 stars from four and a half star film. even i was caught off guard for it, and it was all the better since i hardly knew anything about the movie save for the trailer and the 'six degrees of separation' theory.
i was telling james just before the movie how the 'six degrees of separation' theory can be played out. basically it implies that if you take one person and a randomly selected person from anywhere in the world, those two are related in no more than 6 degrees of network. here's an example. me and natalie portman. i know my good friend marc from SAJC. marc has a cousin right here in atlanta, who goes to emory, pamela. pamela has a friend who lives two doors down from her room. that friend has an older sister. that older sister is an childhood best friend of natalie portman. that's six degrees right there. of course, since i now know pamela myself, it can be reduced to 5 degrees now. isn't it interesting?
i went back to the hospital for checkup on wednesday. the laceration in my right ear hasnt completely healed, and they want to see me about 3 weeks later to see if anything changed, if not, i might need to undergo surgery, a minor one, where they'll take a small thin piece of skin from my ear and graft it into my ear, which then, hopefully will mesh, and create that protective layer. or it could heal. im not sure. on top of that, i also went through an hearing test just to make sure the depth of the damage and if i had fluids in my ear or not. apparantly, my hearing is pretty bad. i have a marginaly hearing loss, but what was surprising was that my left was worse than my right. but the test conducted through my ear was worse than the one done through the bone at the back of my ears. that seems to be decent, so its really the fluids thats nullifying the sound flow. i was scared for a moment. i guess no more listening too loudly to my ipods huh. i should have listened to my friends who kept telling me not to listen to my discman or ipod too loudly. i personally thought that the test was scewed due to my attendance at the crystal method concert.
after that was done, i dropped by to emory, to meet pamela and leisha before the summer kicked in. if i hadnt, i probably would not have met them until the next fall. everytime i go to the emory campus, i feel like im in a real university. their spanking new buildings look more academic to me than the ones at georgia tech, and this time, i even noticed that the students looked more like mature university students than the tech students. maybe its because its a new place, so im getting different impressions. maybe because its the private vs public university thing. maybe i have gotten too used to the downtown feel of georgia tech. my peer leader, scott, says its because emory students are rich people. maybe that is the case, im not sure. i just wish that i was at a campus like emory, that's all. and i personally think that its due to their remote location, though they're considered to be an urban university, its nowhere as close as georgia tech, where hopping on the MARTA, or going somewhere is only few minutes away. at emory, i'd probably have to plan when to go ahead in time if i wanted to do something, as it is a little off downtown. ever notice how new things appeal more to you? i bet, if i were an emory student, then i'll be attracted to georgia tech because of its downtown feel and the vivrant atmosphere of the campus and all. it goes both ways. you get some, you lose some. but im happy at tech, i guess i wont leave for anywhere else as of now. just an occasional change of scenary does do some good.
i went back, got my dad and mom some gifts to get from tech, and bought myself some books to read over the summer. guess what i bought, a dummie's guide to Islam and The Qu'ran. yes. me. i had some interesting incidents over this semester and maybe i have reached that age where i need to do some self exploration and find myself. i want to know the fact before committing to anything, and i actually have been reading some really interesting articles that clarifies some of the common misinterpretations about the religion. either way, im only benefitting myself, with extra knowledge, and if it works out, my own religion that i never really got to learn. either way, i hope that along the way, i get to read all of the 3 revelations of the three major religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) so that i can cross reference. its a debate that's driving the world crazy and i will want to know the actual facts for myself as well.
the drive with james to phipps mall today was really interesting. for the most part of today, i was helping james move his stuff to where we will be living over the summer (though in separate rooms this time, we will still be living next to each other) my stuff is more or less packed, so im not worried, but we need to settle the furniture settings sometime very soon. but what was so funny was that james was so absent minded during the drive, it was as if we were exploring through a city we didnt know. i kept giving directions, he kept missing them, but we eventually got there in good time. it was a funny experience though.
end of semester. its been way too long, but this is how it ends. one year of college is done. next thing i know, i will be having my degree in my hands ready to join the working force.
i'm still reeling from the effects of 'crash.' that was such a fantastic movie.
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