i took the title off that air song from the lost in translation soundtrack (alone in kyoto) that ive been listening to lately... really good track.
the ADTRAN interview went pretty alright. it was not much of an interview, more like a representative telling me what ADTRAN does and can offer as a co-op program. but it was very interesting, and if they give me an offer, i'd probably take it. i'll tell you why. this particular job offers 4 semesters solely dedicated on supply chain management, and there are like 4 different sections of the co-op program. every semester will be rotating through the 4 sections; logistics and transportation, purchasing, planning, and warehousing and distribution. as an industrial engineer and a person who's intending to do a MBA in supply chain/logistics or operations management, this opportunity could not have come at a better time. i really hope i get screened for the second round of interview which i will have to go down to huntsville. the decision comes really early too, on monday. i'll keep my fingers crossed that that happens. not only that, they will reimburse me for travel expenses, and also, they will pay 100% of the costs incurred, if i were to take a single class while doing co-op in some nearby university so long as i get a C and above for it. there's university of alabama and the alabama agricultural and mechanical university. i already checked what courses can be transfered and i cant believe my luck. they offer cal 3, psychology, social science, a lab class and a technical communications class. if i take full advantage of this, i could do 14 hours of classes while working, which reduces my courseload by so much. i could end up just managing to average 14 hours of classes every semester at tech. and those classes wont affect my GPA either. with all the classes gone, i could even try to squeeze in some classes to get a certificate in finance after all. this is freaking amazing. this IS the job for me. 4 semester of intensive training and education, in the 'silicon valley of the south.'
so im really excited about that. i didnt think that ADTRAN would offer a good program but im thinking otherwise now. i still have 5 more interviews, but i dont think any of the others can give me such a sweet deal as compared to ADTRAN.
as mentioned in the earlier entry, i had a material science review session on a friday evening. but i really like the class, and after this session, i even like the professor more than ever. she's such an expert in her field, but not only that, she's so open and sociable with all of us. if that wasnt enough, she really makes us be fascinated with the course material. i can say now is that this class is the most engaging and the most interesting class ive ever encountered. it just builds so much information on so many aspects of materials and chemistry in general. im regaining my interest in chemistry again, which is a big welcome.
i watched 'donnie darko' just now and i cannot believe that ive never heard of the movie til i came to tech. it is just fantastic. and guess what music was played near the end, yes that song, 'mad world.' but it was just a very different type of movie with some fine acting too.
i have downloaded a bunch of indie films and it could come in handy, since my second english research paper might allow me to center my arguments around these films. 'donnie darko' was one of the few listed examples provided by my professor and the other ones im doing to download by looking at the imdb listing could come in handy.
i also have been huting down online biographies of numerous brit-rock bands. and i spent the better half of this afternoon downloading some of the songs mentioned in the biographies. i have a pretty good collection to listen to through the course of the coming week.
i better get back to work. just one, maybe two assignment away from doing what i planned for the day. then i can just concentrate on studying for economics.
my cousin Zeehan is coming from Virginia in 2 weeks, and I'm probably gonna follow her to U(sic)GA for that weekend. should be fun. but thats probably gonna put a strain to my weekend workload, so i better complete all the stuff before that.
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