well, holy shit.
to my surprise, i am offered the role of Community Advisor.
i had already set my mind on rooming with Scott and live in Glenn next year, but wow, this complicates number of things.
i guess i'm gonna pull out of the RHA elections to be the Vice-President of Communications.
I think being involved in RHA as a freshman and knowing people helped out here. My advisor will be Holly, whom I met last semester. And if I'm not wrong, I'm gonna be located in the International Student section, which means most of my residents will be Japanese. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Either case, my Japanese will improve that's for sure.
Monday, February 28, 2005
fucking in the bushes
i havent really been updating, as you can tell, ive been pretty busy. now i can take a little breather. i thought that i was gonna get screwed very bad for my material science, but guess what, it happened that one of the practice papers came to be the actual test paper -- again. not that im complaining, i actually studied, and learnt things that werent required, but was helpful additional knowledge anyway.
well, that certainly goes a long way in maintaining my grades, hopefully.
the john deere interview was something that i will truly consider an interview. not like ADTRAN. and john deere seems to really care about their employees a lot too. im not sure if i did well enough to impress them to go for another round of selection, but i did my best to do so. the good news, i might end up being in atlanta, since theres a plant nearby. i will hear from them in about 2 weeks.
i hate two back-to-back interviews with metro power inc, as well as manhattan associates, and both of these jobs will be in atlanta. they might seem smaller companies than the 3 companies ive interviewed with earlier, but these companies probably will offer more hands on experience. whatever it is, i have to make sure i do well in all of the interviews, so that i can have some choices when it comes to deciding which job i want to go for.
call me crazy, but i also am running to be the vice-president of communications for RHA. i was not sure about this, but since it is a very important position, i am pretty serious, even though i think that my chances are the lowest among the 3 of us who are running for the same position, and the weird thing is, i know the other 2, and one of them, very well. chris (swan), who is already the PR chair as well as my SAACURH buddy, is in the running too, and i really hoped that i didnt have to run against him, but i have to. the other one is john, who was my room mate during SAACURH. in a sense, its good, coz even if i lose, i know whoever wins will be more than capable, and even if i win, theres absolutely no hard feelings about it. we had to start going around to make speeches in other hall council meetings and its gonna be a busy next 2 weeks, going up and about on sunday and monday nights. i already went to brown-howell, as well as freeman-montag ones last night in the rain, and hopefully i presented myself alright. its just so weird collaborating with chris when we're both running for the same position and i really wish i didnt have to.
i will be receiving the news regarding the housing staff position later today, which might conflict with my RHA elections, but its something i can back out of. it would really suck if i got a co-op outside of atlanta, got a CA job and also won the election, coz either way, i have to give up 2 of the options, and i really hope it doesnt end up being that.
well, i can somewhat relax now, even though i have like two CS assignments, but i have ample time, so it shouldnt be a problem.
i suddenly developed a craving to go back to old times and play those RPG games on the old SNES. the fantastic thing is, i can download those games and run them on an emulator. so now i have some of the classics on my powerbook, such as final fantasy vi, dragon quest v, live-a-live and crono trigger. oh, it brings me back memories, it must have been like almost 8, 9 years ago that i was playing them. and its still fun as ever, even if the gaming scene has changed completely. its a funny contrast with me playing on the small 2-D pixel screen, whereas james is playing halo 2 on his xbox with advanced 3-D graphics.
now that i have some time, i might actually get to play a little bit. i spent friday and saturday playing dq5, and that kinda enticed dan to go do the same, and he's been playing ff6 ever since.
watched 4 very good films, much to my pleasure. i made dan and chris (maxwell) watch 'elephant' which is loosely based on the columbine high school shootings, but set somewhere else, and its just such a different film from the usual movies, especially cinematography. you can understand why it won the cannes film festival's palm d'or in 2003 after you watch it. then we watched 'i heart huckbees' which was just hilarious. fox searchlight has this trend of producing some very confusing films like focus pictures which showed 'eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.' then on saturday, we watched two foreign films, starting with the much talked about 'y tu mama tambien (and your mother too)' which, to me, is one of the funniest films ive seen. there was an issue with it being centered around too much sexual content and nudity, but the comedy of it superceded all that. it was very enjoyable. we were intending to watch 'three kings' but instead, we watched 'tale of two sisters' which was also incredible. very confusing, but it was kinda like 'the others' with a twist in the end, which was neat.
3 more weeks til spring break. and i just realized, on that last week before spring break, i have like 3 tests, and the elections.
well, that certainly goes a long way in maintaining my grades, hopefully.
the john deere interview was something that i will truly consider an interview. not like ADTRAN. and john deere seems to really care about their employees a lot too. im not sure if i did well enough to impress them to go for another round of selection, but i did my best to do so. the good news, i might end up being in atlanta, since theres a plant nearby. i will hear from them in about 2 weeks.
i hate two back-to-back interviews with metro power inc, as well as manhattan associates, and both of these jobs will be in atlanta. they might seem smaller companies than the 3 companies ive interviewed with earlier, but these companies probably will offer more hands on experience. whatever it is, i have to make sure i do well in all of the interviews, so that i can have some choices when it comes to deciding which job i want to go for.
call me crazy, but i also am running to be the vice-president of communications for RHA. i was not sure about this, but since it is a very important position, i am pretty serious, even though i think that my chances are the lowest among the 3 of us who are running for the same position, and the weird thing is, i know the other 2, and one of them, very well. chris (swan), who is already the PR chair as well as my SAACURH buddy, is in the running too, and i really hoped that i didnt have to run against him, but i have to. the other one is john, who was my room mate during SAACURH. in a sense, its good, coz even if i lose, i know whoever wins will be more than capable, and even if i win, theres absolutely no hard feelings about it. we had to start going around to make speeches in other hall council meetings and its gonna be a busy next 2 weeks, going up and about on sunday and monday nights. i already went to brown-howell, as well as freeman-montag ones last night in the rain, and hopefully i presented myself alright. its just so weird collaborating with chris when we're both running for the same position and i really wish i didnt have to.
i will be receiving the news regarding the housing staff position later today, which might conflict with my RHA elections, but its something i can back out of. it would really suck if i got a co-op outside of atlanta, got a CA job and also won the election, coz either way, i have to give up 2 of the options, and i really hope it doesnt end up being that.
well, i can somewhat relax now, even though i have like two CS assignments, but i have ample time, so it shouldnt be a problem.
i suddenly developed a craving to go back to old times and play those RPG games on the old SNES. the fantastic thing is, i can download those games and run them on an emulator. so now i have some of the classics on my powerbook, such as final fantasy vi, dragon quest v, live-a-live and crono trigger. oh, it brings me back memories, it must have been like almost 8, 9 years ago that i was playing them. and its still fun as ever, even if the gaming scene has changed completely. its a funny contrast with me playing on the small 2-D pixel screen, whereas james is playing halo 2 on his xbox with advanced 3-D graphics.
now that i have some time, i might actually get to play a little bit. i spent friday and saturday playing dq5, and that kinda enticed dan to go do the same, and he's been playing ff6 ever since.
watched 4 very good films, much to my pleasure. i made dan and chris (maxwell) watch 'elephant' which is loosely based on the columbine high school shootings, but set somewhere else, and its just such a different film from the usual movies, especially cinematography. you can understand why it won the cannes film festival's palm d'or in 2003 after you watch it. then we watched 'i heart huckbees' which was just hilarious. fox searchlight has this trend of producing some very confusing films like focus pictures which showed 'eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.' then on saturday, we watched two foreign films, starting with the much talked about 'y tu mama tambien (and your mother too)' which, to me, is one of the funniest films ive seen. there was an issue with it being centered around too much sexual content and nudity, but the comedy of it superceded all that. it was very enjoyable. we were intending to watch 'three kings' but instead, we watched 'tale of two sisters' which was also incredible. very confusing, but it was kinda like 'the others' with a twist in the end, which was neat.
3 more weeks til spring break. and i just realized, on that last week before spring break, i have like 3 tests, and the elections.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
oh my...
strangely, and embarrassingly enough, since yesterday, i just cant stop listening to george michael. yeah, george michael, formerly of wham! and the singer of hits like 'freedom' and 'faith.' ive been listening especially to 'amazing,' 'flawless,' 'fastlove' and 'star people.'
call it weird, i have these situations where some song just automatically starts playing in my head, and i will start listening to them on my ipod. on repeat, no less.
call it weird, i have these situations where some song just automatically starts playing in my head, and i will start listening to them on my ipod. on repeat, no less.
Monday, February 21, 2005
strike two
apparantly ADTRAN too was impressed with my credentials.
but not enough to get me the job.
so that's two rejection with interviews (the first one being Toyota). i've been ditched 3 times by GE, though for different programs, and without interview.
i just dont get it. if they're 'impressed' with my credentials, what more is there to ask?
darn it.
the 5 remaining interviews better yield something good. if not, i just might have to do away with the primerica job in illinois.
but not enough to get me the job.
so that's two rejection with interviews (the first one being Toyota). i've been ditched 3 times by GE, though for different programs, and without interview.
i just dont get it. if they're 'impressed' with my credentials, what more is there to ask?
darn it.
the 5 remaining interviews better yield something good. if not, i just might have to do away with the primerica job in illinois.
Saturday, February 19, 2005
alone in atlanta
i took the title off that air song from the lost in translation soundtrack (alone in kyoto) that ive been listening to lately... really good track.
the ADTRAN interview went pretty alright. it was not much of an interview, more like a representative telling me what ADTRAN does and can offer as a co-op program. but it was very interesting, and if they give me an offer, i'd probably take it. i'll tell you why. this particular job offers 4 semesters solely dedicated on supply chain management, and there are like 4 different sections of the co-op program. every semester will be rotating through the 4 sections; logistics and transportation, purchasing, planning, and warehousing and distribution. as an industrial engineer and a person who's intending to do a MBA in supply chain/logistics or operations management, this opportunity could not have come at a better time. i really hope i get screened for the second round of interview which i will have to go down to huntsville. the decision comes really early too, on monday. i'll keep my fingers crossed that that happens. not only that, they will reimburse me for travel expenses, and also, they will pay 100% of the costs incurred, if i were to take a single class while doing co-op in some nearby university so long as i get a C and above for it. there's university of alabama and the alabama agricultural and mechanical university. i already checked what courses can be transfered and i cant believe my luck. they offer cal 3, psychology, social science, a lab class and a technical communications class. if i take full advantage of this, i could do 14 hours of classes while working, which reduces my courseload by so much. i could end up just managing to average 14 hours of classes every semester at tech. and those classes wont affect my GPA either. with all the classes gone, i could even try to squeeze in some classes to get a certificate in finance after all. this is freaking amazing. this IS the job for me. 4 semester of intensive training and education, in the 'silicon valley of the south.'
so im really excited about that. i didnt think that ADTRAN would offer a good program but im thinking otherwise now. i still have 5 more interviews, but i dont think any of the others can give me such a sweet deal as compared to ADTRAN.
as mentioned in the earlier entry, i had a material science review session on a friday evening. but i really like the class, and after this session, i even like the professor more than ever. she's such an expert in her field, but not only that, she's so open and sociable with all of us. if that wasnt enough, she really makes us be fascinated with the course material. i can say now is that this class is the most engaging and the most interesting class ive ever encountered. it just builds so much information on so many aspects of materials and chemistry in general. im regaining my interest in chemistry again, which is a big welcome.
i watched 'donnie darko' just now and i cannot believe that ive never heard of the movie til i came to tech. it is just fantastic. and guess what music was played near the end, yes that song, 'mad world.' but it was just a very different type of movie with some fine acting too.
i have downloaded a bunch of indie films and it could come in handy, since my second english research paper might allow me to center my arguments around these films. 'donnie darko' was one of the few listed examples provided by my professor and the other ones im doing to download by looking at the imdb listing could come in handy.
i also have been huting down online biographies of numerous brit-rock bands. and i spent the better half of this afternoon downloading some of the songs mentioned in the biographies. i have a pretty good collection to listen to through the course of the coming week.
i better get back to work. just one, maybe two assignment away from doing what i planned for the day. then i can just concentrate on studying for economics.
my cousin Zeehan is coming from Virginia in 2 weeks, and I'm probably gonna follow her to U(sic)GA for that weekend. should be fun. but thats probably gonna put a strain to my weekend workload, so i better complete all the stuff before that.
the ADTRAN interview went pretty alright. it was not much of an interview, more like a representative telling me what ADTRAN does and can offer as a co-op program. but it was very interesting, and if they give me an offer, i'd probably take it. i'll tell you why. this particular job offers 4 semesters solely dedicated on supply chain management, and there are like 4 different sections of the co-op program. every semester will be rotating through the 4 sections; logistics and transportation, purchasing, planning, and warehousing and distribution. as an industrial engineer and a person who's intending to do a MBA in supply chain/logistics or operations management, this opportunity could not have come at a better time. i really hope i get screened for the second round of interview which i will have to go down to huntsville. the decision comes really early too, on monday. i'll keep my fingers crossed that that happens. not only that, they will reimburse me for travel expenses, and also, they will pay 100% of the costs incurred, if i were to take a single class while doing co-op in some nearby university so long as i get a C and above for it. there's university of alabama and the alabama agricultural and mechanical university. i already checked what courses can be transfered and i cant believe my luck. they offer cal 3, psychology, social science, a lab class and a technical communications class. if i take full advantage of this, i could do 14 hours of classes while working, which reduces my courseload by so much. i could end up just managing to average 14 hours of classes every semester at tech. and those classes wont affect my GPA either. with all the classes gone, i could even try to squeeze in some classes to get a certificate in finance after all. this is freaking amazing. this IS the job for me. 4 semester of intensive training and education, in the 'silicon valley of the south.'
so im really excited about that. i didnt think that ADTRAN would offer a good program but im thinking otherwise now. i still have 5 more interviews, but i dont think any of the others can give me such a sweet deal as compared to ADTRAN.
as mentioned in the earlier entry, i had a material science review session on a friday evening. but i really like the class, and after this session, i even like the professor more than ever. she's such an expert in her field, but not only that, she's so open and sociable with all of us. if that wasnt enough, she really makes us be fascinated with the course material. i can say now is that this class is the most engaging and the most interesting class ive ever encountered. it just builds so much information on so many aspects of materials and chemistry in general. im regaining my interest in chemistry again, which is a big welcome.
i watched 'donnie darko' just now and i cannot believe that ive never heard of the movie til i came to tech. it is just fantastic. and guess what music was played near the end, yes that song, 'mad world.' but it was just a very different type of movie with some fine acting too.
i have downloaded a bunch of indie films and it could come in handy, since my second english research paper might allow me to center my arguments around these films. 'donnie darko' was one of the few listed examples provided by my professor and the other ones im doing to download by looking at the imdb listing could come in handy.
i also have been huting down online biographies of numerous brit-rock bands. and i spent the better half of this afternoon downloading some of the songs mentioned in the biographies. i have a pretty good collection to listen to through the course of the coming week.
i better get back to work. just one, maybe two assignment away from doing what i planned for the day. then i can just concentrate on studying for economics.
my cousin Zeehan is coming from Virginia in 2 weeks, and I'm probably gonna follow her to U(sic)GA for that weekend. should be fun. but thats probably gonna put a strain to my weekend workload, so i better complete all the stuff before that.
its a very very mad world...
sandesh, dawar and i accidentally came across the screening of the campus movie festival as we were walking back from a material science review session (on a friday evening, of all time) which happened to be a good 2 or so hours spent. the movies screened were the top 3 of 5 different categories, and i really liked a number of them, very creative. i wish i could do something like that. only if i had the time. but one song that kept being played (cant blame the directors, since they had never seen the other films til that day) was this particular song 'mad world' by michael andrews, that i am very addicted to right now. it is quite a sad piece of song, but theres some personal attachment to it for some reason. the reason why it was used so frequently was because the teams participating were given a bunch of music that can be used without having to worry about copyright issues and it seemed like that song was appropriate for many of the themes of the movies that were made.
but anyway, here's the lyrics.
'Mad World' by Michael Andrews featuring Gary Jules
"All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow
And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very mad world mad world
Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
Made to feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson
Look right through me, look right through me
And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very mad world ... world
Enlarge your world
Mad world"
but anyway, here's the lyrics.
'Mad World' by Michael Andrews featuring Gary Jules
"All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow
And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very mad world mad world
Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
Made to feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson
Look right through me, look right through me
And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very mad world ... world
Enlarge your world
Mad world"
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
all 3 GE interviews cancelled
i was braced for the General Electric interview later today, but i just got a call saying that they have postponed all the interviews scheduled for today and set them up for tomorrow. the only problem is that i have classes for whatever open slots that they have.
i didnt wanna pass up on GE -- well, i arent, i could try to skip some class and go for it, but it so happens that i cant. even Shaw Industries' interview schedule is full. so intead of sitting for 4 interviews this week, im only sitting for housing (which went rather fine, or at least i think so) and ADTRAN.
and probably 5 more, well, for now -- John Deere, Metro Power Inc, Manhattan Associates, Milliken Company and MasterFoods (or also known as Mars Inc, yes, THAT Mars Bars)
My two interests in the other two GE jobs has been terminated, and now this too, though i'm still in some contention, if any, at all.
might be good for me... now i can cram in some sleep that ive missed this week and head on to study for calculus and finish that damned matlab homework.
one thing i learnt from sending out the hall council email to my residents is that tech students have a serious problem with spelling.
anyone need to sign up for post-valentine recovery group? heh heh heh...
i didnt wanna pass up on GE -- well, i arent, i could try to skip some class and go for it, but it so happens that i cant. even Shaw Industries' interview schedule is full. so intead of sitting for 4 interviews this week, im only sitting for housing (which went rather fine, or at least i think so) and ADTRAN.
and probably 5 more, well, for now -- John Deere, Metro Power Inc, Manhattan Associates, Milliken Company and MasterFoods (or also known as Mars Inc, yes, THAT Mars Bars)
My two interests in the other two GE jobs has been terminated, and now this too, though i'm still in some contention, if any, at all.
might be good for me... now i can cram in some sleep that ive missed this week and head on to study for calculus and finish that damned matlab homework.
one thing i learnt from sending out the hall council email to my residents is that tech students have a serious problem with spelling.
anyone need to sign up for post-valentine recovery group? heh heh heh...
Saturday, February 12, 2005
im finally done with the project
i kinda dreaded this weekend, coz yet again, my weekend was filled with nothing but work, for what seems like the 5th week in a row.
this weekend was specially bad, since today was the deadline for submitting a website project... in japanese.
since i was taking so much classes, i had to keep postponing this over and over again, knowing very well that if i do little by little everyday, i wouldnt have to spend the whole day trying to finish up a messy work.
but its always the case when you're left on the deadline itself. how many times has that happened, eh?
since i had two tests this week as well, i couldnt allocate the time. but i guess what helped me out the most was that i had a mental plan of how the site was going to be like, but i didnt do it completely the way i wanted either.
initially, i thought of just doing how japanese baseball raised its bar to the american counterparts. then i thought, why not make it a bigger scale, include soccer and swimming. then, as time clocked down, i just made it soccer, since its always better doing something you have interest in and at least have a basic knowledge of it.
its a messy work, thats for sure, but at least i made it up in contest. i think.
i went to sleep late last night, like 4, since nobody in our section seemed to go to sleep, and neither could i, for some reason, even though i was really tired. i woke up at 11, knowning there was a sectional cookout at 12, which really turned out to be 1. i was out til 3 plus, filling my stomach with real good steak and excellent burgers, and im not even feeling hungry yet, so i'll skip dinner. i got back, started working all the way from 4 til like 11. almost non-stop. i had to take couple of breathers every now and then, coz it was really hard work, since i had to keep checking facts and wording it correctly, so that the japanese appears right. i had a fright in the last hour when i couldnt load the pages up since they were in japanese. thankfully, i used geocities japan page to load it up, which presented very little problems. then i just editted minor details and it was done. 7 full hours of work. i havent really done that recently.
i should be really tired, but i'll end up watching movies late to the night. tonight's shows... 'i heart huckabees' and probably 'life aquatic with steve zizzou.' i badly wanted to see 'the motorcycle diaries,' but i guess i can see that tomorrow.
seems like i'll be looking forward to yet another weekend, when i know fully that it probably will end up being filled with work again...
end of 5th week. a third into the semester. im surprised i have yet to suffer a serious burnout.
alright, time to unwind a little with saturday night live. oh, the host was paris hilton last week, i thought it was gonna be bad, but it turned out to be pretty decent. and i never thought i'd say this, but she was hot in the show.
this weekend was specially bad, since today was the deadline for submitting a website project... in japanese.
since i was taking so much classes, i had to keep postponing this over and over again, knowing very well that if i do little by little everyday, i wouldnt have to spend the whole day trying to finish up a messy work.
but its always the case when you're left on the deadline itself. how many times has that happened, eh?
since i had two tests this week as well, i couldnt allocate the time. but i guess what helped me out the most was that i had a mental plan of how the site was going to be like, but i didnt do it completely the way i wanted either.
initially, i thought of just doing how japanese baseball raised its bar to the american counterparts. then i thought, why not make it a bigger scale, include soccer and swimming. then, as time clocked down, i just made it soccer, since its always better doing something you have interest in and at least have a basic knowledge of it.
its a messy work, thats for sure, but at least i made it up in contest. i think.
i went to sleep late last night, like 4, since nobody in our section seemed to go to sleep, and neither could i, for some reason, even though i was really tired. i woke up at 11, knowning there was a sectional cookout at 12, which really turned out to be 1. i was out til 3 plus, filling my stomach with real good steak and excellent burgers, and im not even feeling hungry yet, so i'll skip dinner. i got back, started working all the way from 4 til like 11. almost non-stop. i had to take couple of breathers every now and then, coz it was really hard work, since i had to keep checking facts and wording it correctly, so that the japanese appears right. i had a fright in the last hour when i couldnt load the pages up since they were in japanese. thankfully, i used geocities japan page to load it up, which presented very little problems. then i just editted minor details and it was done. 7 full hours of work. i havent really done that recently.
i should be really tired, but i'll end up watching movies late to the night. tonight's shows... 'i heart huckabees' and probably 'life aquatic with steve zizzou.' i badly wanted to see 'the motorcycle diaries,' but i guess i can see that tomorrow.
seems like i'll be looking forward to yet another weekend, when i know fully that it probably will end up being filled with work again...
end of 5th week. a third into the semester. im surprised i have yet to suffer a serious burnout.
alright, time to unwind a little with saturday night live. oh, the host was paris hilton last week, i thought it was gonna be bad, but it turned out to be pretty decent. and i never thought i'd say this, but she was hot in the show.
Friday, February 11, 2005
the midnight atlanta high speed chase on interstate 75/85
we went for our supper on thursday night at waffle house like we do every week. its a good load of fun and some good food for a reasonable price, and we come back feeling great.
but tonight was different. in fact, it was awesome!
as we were heading back in our beloved housing van, and heading back into the interstate 75/85 back to tech, this old buick wizzed past us at such speed, i was surprised. we werent even in the interstate yet, we were just about to connect into it. so my initial reaction was that maybe he was pissed that we could have been driving too slow, i mean, its a housing van afterall. just about 2 seconds later, we see two cop cars wizzing past us with lights flashing, and we immediately knew that the buick was speeding away from them. i never encountered that right infront of my eyes, so i was excited.
what do you know, few seconds later, we see a stream of cop cars wizzing past us. this wasnt just a normal chase, this was serious. everynow and then, there were 2 cop cars driving past us in full speed. i was counting, there must have been like 16 or 18 cars we came across.
instead of heading back to tech, we all encouraged scott to keep driving, hoping that the chase will end sometime soon and we witness the cops beating the shit out of that dumbass driver. we ended up driving for 10-15 minutes further away, and our hopes of witnessing the end was dashing, until we came across a flash of bright lights. guess what, they fishtailed the bugger.

interstate 75/85 is a major highway, with 5, 6 lanes heading to each direction. i always wanted to take a picture of the interstate from the tech square bridge, i guess i will do that over the weekend. and that swarm of cops surrounding the fishtailed buick took up like 3, 4 lanes, that we had to maneuver around it to get past the traffic. they had the guy up in cuffs and up against one of the cars.
it was a neat surprise night out for the 9 of us in the van, and provided great entertainment. sad to say, this must be the single exciting event that took place this semester... ive been studying way too much. but this probably wont happen anytime soon.
but tonight was different. in fact, it was awesome!
as we were heading back in our beloved housing van, and heading back into the interstate 75/85 back to tech, this old buick wizzed past us at such speed, i was surprised. we werent even in the interstate yet, we were just about to connect into it. so my initial reaction was that maybe he was pissed that we could have been driving too slow, i mean, its a housing van afterall. just about 2 seconds later, we see two cop cars wizzing past us with lights flashing, and we immediately knew that the buick was speeding away from them. i never encountered that right infront of my eyes, so i was excited.
what do you know, few seconds later, we see a stream of cop cars wizzing past us. this wasnt just a normal chase, this was serious. everynow and then, there were 2 cop cars driving past us in full speed. i was counting, there must have been like 16 or 18 cars we came across.
instead of heading back to tech, we all encouraged scott to keep driving, hoping that the chase will end sometime soon and we witness the cops beating the shit out of that dumbass driver. we ended up driving for 10-15 minutes further away, and our hopes of witnessing the end was dashing, until we came across a flash of bright lights. guess what, they fishtailed the bugger.
interstate 75/85 is a major highway, with 5, 6 lanes heading to each direction. i always wanted to take a picture of the interstate from the tech square bridge, i guess i will do that over the weekend. and that swarm of cops surrounding the fishtailed buick took up like 3, 4 lanes, that we had to maneuver around it to get past the traffic. they had the guy up in cuffs and up against one of the cars.
it was a neat surprise night out for the 9 of us in the van, and provided great entertainment. sad to say, this must be the single exciting event that took place this semester... ive been studying way too much. but this probably wont happen anytime soon.
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
back from the silence
i deleted my earlier post, as it clearly was unnecessary. i was thinking since it is my blog and the reason for me cotinuing to blog is to keep an account of what is going on, i might as well put an entry, so that when i look back at it one day, i can recall what a stupid incidence this was.
the office of information technology stepped in to suspend internet access to those who replied to the thread with explicit words, and two of my friends were victims of it. pending further investion. i think the whole affair was rather stupid, especially since it was all down to just one person's ignorance of his surroundings.
i initially expected this week to be a horror, but apparantly, it has not been so. my co-op interview with constructions giant John Deere was postponed to two weeks later, for reasons i do not know, but its a big welcome, since i can focus primarily on preparing for my first CS test and making the webpage for my japanese project. i initially intended to focus more on the emergence of japanese baseball as a major force in the last decade, but i decide to widen the scope by doing it on the emergence of japanese sports as a key player in world sports, since, then, i can talk about the glory days of the olympic swimming, baseball, and most importantly, soccer.
the professor was saying that it does not have to be in great detail, so i am somewhat comforted by that remark.
i did alright on the econs test, i will tell myself to follow gut feeling from next time, as this time, i changed an answer to one of the question in the last minute, since the answer did not tally when i approached the question from a purely economical point of view. i did this on the last test too and that cost me a mark too. had it not been for that, my average would have been flat on 90. i hope there's a curve of at least a point, then i'll be in the safe zone.
i seriously did not expect to be in this situation on week 5, as im doing pretty well in all subjects. i might even surpass my expectations this semester, but its only a third of the way, i shouldnt get carried away. but im happy to know that most of my subjects now lie on the A mark, and hopefully, this trend will continue. hopefully i will get enough determination to get this going on and graduate between a 3.5 and 3.6 GPA. i guess that will be good enough to get me to a relatively good biz school in the future, but the GMAT is whats gonna matter more. i have considered doing it in singapore, since INSEAD is there conveniently, but that might not be feasible in terms of relocating, but this is regarding something that's probably a good 6, 7 years ahead so i shouldnt really concern myself with it too much. just keeping it at the back of my mind.
georgia tech basketball fell out of the rankings at the start of this week. needless to say, everyone's disgruntled, but it was well expected, with a recent streak of losses. this was clearly not well welcomed, since we were ranked no. 3 at the start of the season, you dont expect a team like that to fall out of top 25. elsewhere, boston college has emerged as the surprise team in running, coming from nowhere and steadily climbing to 4th. ACC is going to be tighter than ever when they join us next season.
i was at the super bowl screening, but wasnt really watching it, i was there more because of the east campus hall councils providing food to the people present. honestly, i couldnt care who won, football is still one sport i have yet to warm up to, and though i will admit i wanted the patriots to win (i support whatever bostonian teams, ever since my first visit back in '97) this was a super bowl that, although many people will disagree strongly with me on this, was just another game. it just cant compare to the FIFA world cup. but its amazing that the 30 seconds advertisement spot during the breaks go for US$2.4 million. and that's not considering all the additional sponsorships and whatnot. in terms of television rights, all aspects of finance, i agree that this is one single biggest event in the american calendar. i was reading CNN last night and this internet domain company, whose second ad was pulled off air for mild reference to last year's 'wardrobe disfunction' fiasco, experienced a 400% surge in visits after the initial ad. imagine how much more it would have been after the 2nd ad.
HP's CEO is ousted... interesting.... buying Compaq wasnt a good investment, i kinda anticipated that, but not the ousting.
alright, material science class will start soon, better go.
the office of information technology stepped in to suspend internet access to those who replied to the thread with explicit words, and two of my friends were victims of it. pending further investion. i think the whole affair was rather stupid, especially since it was all down to just one person's ignorance of his surroundings.
i initially expected this week to be a horror, but apparantly, it has not been so. my co-op interview with constructions giant John Deere was postponed to two weeks later, for reasons i do not know, but its a big welcome, since i can focus primarily on preparing for my first CS test and making the webpage for my japanese project. i initially intended to focus more on the emergence of japanese baseball as a major force in the last decade, but i decide to widen the scope by doing it on the emergence of japanese sports as a key player in world sports, since, then, i can talk about the glory days of the olympic swimming, baseball, and most importantly, soccer.
the professor was saying that it does not have to be in great detail, so i am somewhat comforted by that remark.
i did alright on the econs test, i will tell myself to follow gut feeling from next time, as this time, i changed an answer to one of the question in the last minute, since the answer did not tally when i approached the question from a purely economical point of view. i did this on the last test too and that cost me a mark too. had it not been for that, my average would have been flat on 90. i hope there's a curve of at least a point, then i'll be in the safe zone.
i seriously did not expect to be in this situation on week 5, as im doing pretty well in all subjects. i might even surpass my expectations this semester, but its only a third of the way, i shouldnt get carried away. but im happy to know that most of my subjects now lie on the A mark, and hopefully, this trend will continue. hopefully i will get enough determination to get this going on and graduate between a 3.5 and 3.6 GPA. i guess that will be good enough to get me to a relatively good biz school in the future, but the GMAT is whats gonna matter more. i have considered doing it in singapore, since INSEAD is there conveniently, but that might not be feasible in terms of relocating, but this is regarding something that's probably a good 6, 7 years ahead so i shouldnt really concern myself with it too much. just keeping it at the back of my mind.
georgia tech basketball fell out of the rankings at the start of this week. needless to say, everyone's disgruntled, but it was well expected, with a recent streak of losses. this was clearly not well welcomed, since we were ranked no. 3 at the start of the season, you dont expect a team like that to fall out of top 25. elsewhere, boston college has emerged as the surprise team in running, coming from nowhere and steadily climbing to 4th. ACC is going to be tighter than ever when they join us next season.
i was at the super bowl screening, but wasnt really watching it, i was there more because of the east campus hall councils providing food to the people present. honestly, i couldnt care who won, football is still one sport i have yet to warm up to, and though i will admit i wanted the patriots to win (i support whatever bostonian teams, ever since my first visit back in '97) this was a super bowl that, although many people will disagree strongly with me on this, was just another game. it just cant compare to the FIFA world cup. but its amazing that the 30 seconds advertisement spot during the breaks go for US$2.4 million. and that's not considering all the additional sponsorships and whatnot. in terms of television rights, all aspects of finance, i agree that this is one single biggest event in the american calendar. i was reading CNN last night and this internet domain company, whose second ad was pulled off air for mild reference to last year's 'wardrobe disfunction' fiasco, experienced a 400% surge in visits after the initial ad. imagine how much more it would have been after the 2nd ad.
HP's CEO is ousted... interesting.... buying Compaq wasnt a good investment, i kinda anticipated that, but not the ousting.
alright, material science class will start soon, better go.
Friday, February 04, 2005
I am the highway
"I am not your rolling wheels
I am the highway
I am not your carpet ride
I am the sky
I am not your blowing wind
I am the lightning
I am not your autumn moon
I am the night"
--- 'I Am The Highway' by Audioslave
I am the highway
I am not your carpet ride
I am the sky
I am not your blowing wind
I am the lightning
I am not your autumn moon
I am the night"
--- 'I Am The Highway' by Audioslave
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
bad timing
i was initially very pleased that my material science test was delayed, obviously, due to students feeling that they were not prepared enough with the main professor not being to class for a week and a half. someone had the guts to propose the idea to the faculty, thankfully.
but that didnt come in helpful. i would have been screwed if i had taken the test on monday, but im left no better off, coz i have so much work to do for the other subjects, that im not getting to study for it at all. damn it. im tryin to finish off the stuff by tonight, and then somehow spend tomorrow revising, but i have a feeling i will take the test in the same condition as i was on monday.
not much update for the last couple of days, there hasnt been much going on.
but that didnt come in helpful. i would have been screwed if i had taken the test on monday, but im left no better off, coz i have so much work to do for the other subjects, that im not getting to study for it at all. damn it. im tryin to finish off the stuff by tonight, and then somehow spend tomorrow revising, but i have a feeling i will take the test in the same condition as i was on monday.
not much update for the last couple of days, there hasnt been much going on.
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