Friday, August 06, 2004


i was checking through my information on tech OSCAR system, and found out that some of my courses for the first semester was pre-registered. so far, i'm supposed to study MATH 1501 - Calculus I, ENGL 1101 - English Composition I and HIST 2112 - United States since 1877.

The history so puts me off. But its a requirement that I have to fulfill in order to graduate. I'd much prefer to take CHEM 1310 - General Chemistry, CS 1321 - Intro Computing and maybe MSE 1001 - Introduction to Engineering. but I guess its because I'm doing undeclared engineering that I have these 3 instead.

but if i am to just do the 3 classes, then my schedule is pretty slack. i only have 2 hours of lectures for monday and wednesday, 3 hours for tuesday and thursday, and only 1 hour for friday. if i substitute that with 2 hours of studying for every hour of lecture, that's not too bad.

i gotta start planning which courses to take.. like MSE 2001 - Principles and Applications ofMaterials Engineering, but for that, i need to take CHEM 1310 as a prerequisite. but its probably the most helpful class, it sheds a light into various majors, mainly chem engin, mech engin, aerospace engin, biomedical engin, material science engin and textile and fiber engin. it also is helpful for comp and elec engin, which more or less covers what i wanna know. the only other thing to try out will be industrial & systems engin, and hopefully by the end of it, i'll be pretty clear as to which course to major in.

actually, im only intending to look into biomedical, comp, elec, industrial, materials and mech engin... the rest doesnt really matter, their industry growth til 2012 is not too convincing.

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