i think its safe for me to disclose what's been happening in the past week, in case you dont know.
my dad was hospitalized, because he had couple of arteries that were causing him pain in his chest. its not a serious case, like one that needs a bypass surgery, but at his age of 55, its not something you should neglect.
he had few treatments to enlarge couple of arteries on tuesday and wednesday, and he's much better now.
it took me by surprise, obviously. i happened at 2AM last saturday, i didnt even know, til i saw my mom open the door while i was watching one of euro 2004's quarter final's at 4AM. it was unimaginable shock, to hear that my dad was in ICU, because he goes through tests to detect these things rather often.
chahat's father recently went through a major surgery for his blockages, and i think my dad took that to heart, a little too seriously.
but its all good now, he should be discharged later on today, and he will take the next few days to rest at home.
the reason i didnt disclose, as i said previously, is coz my extended family might come across this and being overseas, it might complicate the situation. well, funny thing, it already has. somehow by the world of mouth, the word got across to my relatives in brunei, and as you all know, when it travels by mouth, some information gets added, to sensationalize the whole thing. so probably to my relatives, its a super serious operation that includes a bypass surgery and such. that's always the case when word spreads around.
my dad knew that if his family were to know it in bangladesh and other countries, they would start getting paranoid, since my dad's brother passed away not too recently. so i had to keep it under wraps, which was to no point, since my relatives got to know somehow anyway.
but all's good now. he started walking on thursday, he will be at home today, he'll get plenty of rest and he should be back to normal in no time.
but it was an episode that kinda taught me certain things, especially as im getting older, i have to learn to accept that if these things are to happen to the relatives i know, i have to learn to deal with it and such.
im sorry if i couldnt meet some of you, but i dont need to explain, this needed far more attention than going out.
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