Saturday, July 10, 2004

No Man's Land

just watched this movie, hasib told me it was boring, but frankly, i thought it was pretty good. it somehow combined the elements of the bosnia-serbia front line action as well as UN's handling of the issue together with how the press mishandles sensitive topics like these.

and yeah, they combined english, french and serbian interchangeably and that make it more interesting.

all n all, it was a gd experience, coz it gave me a little insight into the stereotypical way of how UN seems to, but doesnt really handle crisis like these and how the press would do anything to get their story (well, who doesnt know that)

should return that soon enough, to get back more dvds. or should i just satisfy my craving for french films and just get the vcds...?


Anonymous said...

hey.. think i saw you at sa's college day.. yeah.. [anon]

gtg007w said...

yeah, i was there. i guess with the photo, its not hard to notice huh. are you a current SA student?

Anonymous said...

[anon]: let's not bother with that..

gtg007w said...

okay, as you wish...