wow.. after such a long time, i was actually doing a lot of stuff.
well, i had couple of things i really needed to do. first off was calling up my university and asking why i had not received their orientation mail, only to be told that has nothing to do with the registration. so i went to register, then i realized i need to confer with my dad about accomodation arrangements. then i was talking to him about all the stuff for an hour. georgia tech has its own hotel to accomodate visiting professors and whatnot. isnt that so cool? we decided we can get discount there since i will be a student, so that we wont have to stay in one of the student rooms for orientation. so that's that. then i had to call us georgia tech again for details about accomodation.
then came another arduous work. cancelling my account for AOL and MSN. i dont need them since i have DSL, so whats a dial up account worth? the problem whenever you call these companies is that they tell you all sorts of promotions and other so calle benefits to make you change your mind. the whole process of cancellation takes less than 5 mins, but you gotta listen to them talk and keep insisting that you wanna cancel your account for like 15 mins. so that was tiring in a sense that i had to wait and hold on while they blabbered on. its a smart tactic, you cant cancel your membership online, but you gotta call customer services. and knowning how easy most people here are convinced into their words, i wonder how many of people who had the intention of cancelling actually managed to cancel their account.
rushed to the nearby post office to get envelopes to mail the income tax returns for my dad. i need that to apply for aid in georgia tech, which i am probably too late for, but its worth a shot, i might still get something. its too bad that it had to be this way since we lived overseas. cant blame anything. writing down the different addresses and then doing that again to send it as certified with return receipt mail is another task. as if writing long addresses once was enough. having have to write that two times for each of the three addresses and writing your own address six times was torture. but it was nothing compared to when i submitted my transcripts to eleven universities at the end of january. that was the worst mailing experience ever.
and now that that's done, i have just completed my registration for my university orientation, named FASET. if everything goes well, then i should be in atlanta by 10th august for the orientation that will take place on the 11th and 12th, after which i will have to leave my family for good, i will spend three days at my new home, hopefully with new friends. people will be moving in and out of the place during those three days so its gonna be a hectice time. but i cant wait. its too exiciting, evne if it means im gonna turn into a geek and a nerd, well, for most tech students. i think i'll manage to squeeze in some excitement and fun into everything that i do.
and i still have to fill in the FAFSA aid form. but that can only be done when my uncle brings back the copy of the income tax forms. filling in that form is another pain in the ass, but it has to be done.
so much work in 4 hours. but ive done it and the odd sense of accomplishment and the relief sets in.
i still havent got my georgia tech merchandise that i ordered online. when will it be?
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