okay, sorry there hasnt been much updatin lately...
main reason could b tt i tend to write a v long email to my friends. so to each person i might b spendin like 30 min typin. n i had to do my warranty things for the electronic products, then send a mail to my deputy principal as well as head of department on my updates, then update the blog links n codes, as well as bringin over the whole codes over to my website and then updating. all on 56k. its more like im runnin on 30k, so u can imagine how long tt takes.
my fingers r so cold, im havin difficulty typin..
its still snowin. when i wake up, n i look out of the window, the neighbourhood's covered in whiteness. like theres nothin else. the fields, grass all covered. fantastic. but i want warmth.
american idol last night was fantastic. camile didnt sing so well, the only reason why she's still in might b coz the judges hav seen wat she's capable of, but not showin. she might not last long, even tho she'll not b the one kicked off later on today, i think tt'll b leah. she did a gd job wit her hair, she looks so pretty. but i tot she was gonna cry when simon told her to pack her bags. boy, tts gotta hurt.
but i called up n voted for camile anyway. there might b 20 million over votes, but i hope mine counts. as long as it keeps camile in the competition.
see, i would wanna talk bt these things right after i see the show, but since i cant spoil the show for u guys in singapore, i gotta wait like 12 hrs.. i know ppl will kill me coz i spoilt it for couple of my friends back in the days when i didnt follow the show n since US shows it earlier, i could find the results out on the net. but not this time, no way to spoil the show for me. :) i still could, from here, but i think this season's the best yet, we might b seein 3 or 4, mayb more future stars out of this top 12.
oh, winfrid told me bout this netstat thing (do u all see the lil graph like picture on the right of powerwebmusic banner?) n its pretty cool. i can see how many visits i had on which day, the total visits n the coolest ones, from which country n which network. i pretty much can figure the singapore readership, but some i may not b aware of. US, its me, my bro, my cousins. UK, its the one n only naveen, Canada, is catherine. mayb leo. Indonesia... has marc gone back to indonesia? yea.. n i wonder where the unknowns r.
but the stats r really cool. beats the counter.
kk gotta go for lunch. see ya guys
oh, i couldnt sign up for the referee thing, course full. dang. ah well.
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