yes, im one of those tt think he was funny, cute and whatever.
but guys, open ur eyes, this is a show to create pop singers who will earn millions of dollars as a result.
u seriously arent thinkin of depriving someone else who can 'sing' of their shot at bein an artist are u?
i mean, if william can be a star coz of his honesty, uniqueness, yada yada yada, then im sure the student council can go forward and get ourselves a recordin contract coz of our up beat spirit n the never diminishing passion.
n for christ's sake, its AMERICAN idol... i read the sms on the show n i read sms like 'william is our american idol!' n im like wat the hell do u know about definin 'american idol'??? send some high spirited ah beng who sings like william hung n send him in as a representative from singapore idol. n u'll see wat happens. similar to how the phua chu kang thing might hav misrepresented singaporeans in amazin race.
yea, i guessed it right, fantasia n diana got through. those two shone from the rest, thats for sure. n as simon says, u can really tell fantasia's gonna b something. a successor to macy gray? heh...
n next week will b wat ive been waiting for!!! camile velasco!!! tt cutie from hawaii straight away caught my eyes in the auditions, her smile, beautiful hair, wonderful eyes... a perfect eye candy. wait, lemme get a pic of her here...
Copyright Fox Networks/American Idol
aaahhh.... yes yes. tts camile baby. she reminds me of someone wit tt eyes n smile. prob juz my imagination.
but then, her group's got the toughest competition yet. seriously dont think she'll make it coz after the auditions, she's nowhere to be seen. on the other hand, her group mates, the roman brothers, matthew and briana hav been gettin more attention. plus they all sing good. so prob bye bye camile, but who knows, she might put up a surprise show next wk.
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