i guess this is my last entry from singapore.
packings r finally done, or so i think, there'll definately b some last min stuff tt we'll realise the moment we're about to leave.
im freakin tired, sweaty n hungry. gotta eat, shower, shave and get a lil sleep.
couldnt really sleep yesterday prob due to the capuccino tt i had in bk yesterday, which was given for free as hazril n kimberly bought their meals n got the cards or some sort.
met jennifer n nafis durin our time there too.
the phase 2 of the teeth op wasnt much, but the numbness of the upper lip n nose was still somewhat amusing.
soooo.... i'll b freezin in the harsh weather of chicago in the next 30 hrs or so. the fact tt im leavin still hasnt really sunk in yet. probably will when i see my friends in the airport.
whoaa... im already sighin at the freakin long flight. hope 'congo' lasts, i couldnt resist it n started readin already. im already at like a quarter of the book. its freakin interesting.
o well, there's always movies. missed so many gd ones, hope i can catch the good ones in the plane. its a night flight, but i bet i wont b able to sleep. by the time i hit JFK Int, NY, my eyes will b poppin red n i'll b like stoning, like clarisse.
beky beks - thank u for the email, i'll write back to u as soon as i hav time, or if enough time for transit is given, then mayb when im at narita, tokyo.
maddiieee!!! - v nice of u to call me all the way from down under. if ure at the airport, im at T1 ok? prob go in around 2200, hope to catch idol somewhere, hope camile gets in, but tts beside the pt, anyway, juz in case i dont see u, take care n enjoy urself in aussie!
wei fen - one of the best gift received. anythin tt's gotta do wit newcastle united n nice will already b greatly, lemme correct myself, immensely appreciated. the decor of my new room will b so much better wit the big newcastle flag. thank u so so much.
did i forget anyone...? o well, i bet i'll b thinkin bt every single of of u guys while im over the pacific.
anyway, sunny singapore. my home for 11 yrs ++. sure to miss.
i promise ill b back soon if i cant make it on july (god forbid)
u guys work hard, pray for gd A Level results (iskie, remember to icq sms me) and go to NUS or SMU or NTU or wherever u wish to go. hope i get to berkeley, then can say hi to william hung.
yea... erm, wat else.
i guess no more.
o wait, my girl camile sang well last nite!!! woohoo. thank god mat rogers n roman bros screwed their show up.
to b compared to lauryn hill by all three judges is somethin v flattering, but i think they were spot on for tt.
hope she gets in!
anyway, will miss u all. i'll try to get an entry once im at narita.
good bye everyone!
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