juz wat did howard dean do. such as ass. after proclaimin he'll win the rest of the primaries, he gave tt animal-like 'yeaaaahhh!'
bad choice dean. i think tt effectively ends his campaign. juz when it wasnt goin all wrong.
isnt it a sad story. leadin the packs before iowa caucuses, then slippin behind, and makin tt runt. he's on his way down for sure. now everyone's sayin he's got too much temper to control to be in the oval office. maybe its true. from his interview in TIME, he has this psychotic side to himself, but he maintains tt all those behavior is wat makes him a doctor, a step by step procedure in his practice. well, i dont think many people are gonna buy tt.
wat was supposed to be a clash of the titans in a few days time in new hampshire, between kerry, dean, edwards, clark and lieberman, it seems like its gonna be a three horse race (lieberman doesnt seem to be having a secure foothold so far)
Wesley Clark works a Dunkin' Donuts franchise in Derry, New Hampshire, Friday.
Copyright AP Photo
anyway, juz to let everyone know, im all for clark. his interviews n speeches convince me tt he's the man. well, if not, it sure gotta b between kerry and clark. i think i'd be happy wit either of em. after pickin up the iowa win, kerry's been marchin wit confidence, his propositions gettin stronger and more convincin and thoughful too.
i guess everythin will be clear come tuesday.
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