oh boy... haha, i knew phy p5 is bad, but didnt expect it to be this bad. interesting question, but cant answer, so wats the pt. haha.
worse of all, i put in some weird formula, which is to calculate tension in the string by using elasticity, T=EAx/L when we hardly use that kinda formula. haha, all that was needed was average force x extension, since F was not proportional to x. damn damn.
but i think it'll b ok, n ok i mean as in 5 mks or so, which is the rumoured average that A levels candidates scores in singapore.
ah wat the heck, i still hav my p3 tomorrow. but 'realistically' speaking, i think enough damage has been done already. i might not get the A i'm aiming for. i hav to start to prepare myself for a huge possibility of gettin a B. ah well. that disappoints me, but u know, i didnt work so hard for it, so its not like i deserve it anyway. besides, it wont make much diff.
man, im gettin hooked to charmed again. used to watch season 1 n 2 n lost interest, but started watchin since the baby episode. quite comical n bimbotic now. haha.
oh, i received this brochure of University of Southern California School of Engineering. ITS SO DAMN COOL. they portray their programs like so prestigeous n all, n lookin at where their grads work (3Com, Intel, Microsoft, Qualcomm, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, etc) im really temped to go there if by chance i get accepted. plus, this uni has this option where u can choose ur major as undeclared engineering, and spend few months learnin all the different engineering courses offered before decidin which one you wanna do. i think i want that, coz at times, i feel like doin mechanical engineerin or electrical engin and at times, chem engin also. i think thats the best way to choose ur final major.
my dad was like lookin through this pile of paper which were actually resumes of people trying to work in Kyocera. didnt know my dad was also in charge of choosin who the company should hire. i mean, this on top of all the travelling, 2nd in charge of asia pacific, etc u know.. man, its definately more tougher than wat we're doing. yea, so while learnin from him how he handles these cases, i was so surprised to learn how the process was. heh, imagine ure applying for some jobs, you spend like 2 or 3 hours to make the resume all perfect, all it takes is a minute or two, 5 if u're lucky, to get ur resume tossed aside, like it never was sent. All my dad looks for is where you got your degree/diploma from, how many years of working experience, number of jobs prior to applying, current salary and age. n all these people write all this elaborate detail of wat they can do n etc etc, but my dad looks at them for few seconds like it doesnt even matter. but he's been doin this for a long time, he knows the general pattern, so he adopted his own way of looking through resumes. man. i would feel so angered n sad if somethin im spendin like a lot of time on gets tossed within juz few mins. but thats the way it is, since there r so many applicants. but in some ways, its quite efficient too. coz those key areas are the most important information you need. you dun wanna hire people who're above 40, coz those will say they are experienced n try to do things their own way n not be open to alternate ways which the company practices. or if he's a fresh grad, he might not even b able to compose one simple draft of a letter, since thats not part of wat he studied. you also dont wanna hire those who job-hop a lot, you never know when he's hoppin to another place. you dont wanna hire those whose previous salary's above ur budget, coz theyll definately expect more than their previous salary (thats why they're applyin, rite?) n final, but most importantly, where u got ur education. generally, n i repeat generally, coz i hav strong views on this issue, but yea, generally u'd wanna hire those who r academically qualified. i know for a fact n i believe academic record doesnt speak much when u go to the real working world n im certain. n yes, my dear A level takers, even my dad seems to prefer diploma holders than university grads. u know why... we're chao-muggers... they're chao-hands on. yea, i always had a prob wit tt, but thats the way UNCLE MOES (UNiversity of Cambridge Local Examination syndicate-Ministry Of Education, Singapore) expect us to do rite?
sad, sad. its things like these that really makes me happy knowing i wont suffer this as im goin overseas. but i bet there are problems yet unseen when i go there. i guess i'll know there n then. hope i secure a job in some major MNCs. then i can travel and earn considerably a lot too.
i started counting down today. right now, about 18 hours and 45 mins to go....
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