since the MLB play offs r on every mornin, i make it a pt to watch it after my daily ritual of eatin breakfast n readin the papers b4 i hit the bks to study. but the events tt unfolded on the screen today was very unusual indeed.
wat happened? well, today they were showin the National League Championship Series, in short, NLCS. Whoever wins this best-of-7 series goes on to play in the World Series, arguably the top baseball competition in the world. (Other team comes from the American League Championship Series which is still being contested between my beloved Boston Red Sox n the arch enemy New York Yankees) So Chicago Cubs and the Florida Marlins, with the Cubs almost assured of goin to the play offs after a 58 year absence. They were up 3-0 at the top of 8th inning. Everythin was in order, everythin was set. all they needed was five more outs n they could party. but no... some weird thing happened. There was this fly ball tt the left fielder could catch. so he went for it. by the rules, whether it goes in the stands or not, if the player catches the ball, the batter's out. so the fielder naturally went for the ball. it was gonna b a little high up, but he decided to jump over the wall n stretch to get it. as i was watchin, i knew tt he was gonna get it. then, at the last split second, their 'own' fan stretched his own eager hand out, blockin the fielder's gloves from catchin the fly ball n effectively boucin the ball into the spectator's area. the fielder got down to the ground, n u could imagine his reaction. wat the heck! i was gonna get the ball, y did u do tt! i mean if the fan was a fan of the opposin team, i'd understand y he wanna do tt. but this was a Cubs fan. if he had let the fielder take it, it would've been another out closer to the world series. takin in consideration how important this match is to the whole city, i'm really wonderin wat the fan was thinkin when he stretched his hand for the ball. i mean, 58 yrs! first time! ur own team! mayb he didnt see the fielder comin coz the stand was quite high. ppl who go watch baseball does anythin to get a baseball from a game. i mean they giv out so many of em. so many balls go out on strike n ppl juz catches them n keep it. hell, clubs now employ ppl at the sidelines so tt if balls come towards em, which happens quite frequently, they take it n pass it to fans who r sittin near the stand. but today everythin went wrong from there. the whoe, Cubs team suddenly changed. fans around the culprit was enraged, throwin beer bottles n other stuff at him. security came to escort him out. hope he didnt get attacked on the way. after tt, one simple ball wasnt caught completely, which the Marlins took full advantage of, n the bases were loaded. wat happened after tt, u wouldnt believe. couple of gd hits, n tt continued. they scored 8 runs in tt inning. 8 runs! it was a NLCS record. in the end, Marlins won the match 8-3, forcin game 7, which can go either way for one of em to reach the World Series.
y, y, y. y would he wanna jeopardize his team like tt. i was like, oh my goodness. he might hav caused the Cubs to miss out on yet another world series berth! if tts the case, he'll feel guilty for the rest of his life! it was a match, if u had seen from the beginning, sure to b won by Cubs. was so easy. but juz coz of tt incident n one mis catch, everythin fell apart. i guess this is when u can see who's the gd team n who's not. gd team is the one tt doesnt giv up, capitalises heavily when the enemy's concentration gives away n takes full advantage of it. bad team, thinks they had the game, played too leniently. but i guess they couldnt see tt.
Sigh. wat a tragedy. talkin bt sports, Newcastle will b playin their UEFA Cup First Round 2nd Leg match against NAC Breda in Holland tonight. They won the first leg 5-0 so its highlu unprobable tt they will go out of the cup. but seein wat happened today, i'm not lettin em take any chances if they think tt their path is secured. my good omen poster fell off after tt match against the Saints, n I've bought stronger tapes to re enforce the stickin power. I'll make sure it sticks n wont fall at all. got a North East Derby this weekend too so gotta make sure everythin's ok. Hopin for gd results even tho we're virtually assured of goin through tonight. Wit the league bein so bad, UEFA Cup's probably the only gd shot at winnin anythin at all.
did a lot of stats today. my head feels v heavy even tho i hav very short hair. started noticin signs of flu. mayb tt's it. not the maths. i'm startin to hav headaches. mayb its too much sittin down n juz writin n thinkin. i should do somethin else.
got myself a new calculator coz the one i've been usin for almost 6 yrs started to giv weird results. i think its my fingers but its been quite evident in the past few sessions of tuition tt its not functionin correctly. sometimes i get one answer n sometimes i get different answer. its not as sensitive anymore. sometimes i press 5 n it doesnt show up. i gotta press couple of times b4 i key it in. but this new one is cool. i actually saw it wif my classmate, Jonathan. i was quite impressed wif its slimness n ease of computin, i got the exact model. but wat i found out later, more cool. it actually has in its memory all the physics constants! it has like 30 constants all memorised. things like gravity to the 8 significant figure, mass of electron, mass of proton, Planck's constant, Avogadro's contant n a whole lot of others to a very accurate value. so cool! n on the piece of cardboard or some sort, its SI Units r written down to help see wat constants are stored in which value. i gotta find out b4 i use it whether this model is allowed to b used in the A Levels or not since its kinda assistin me. they might take away the small piece of note coz the SI Units r written. we're supposed to know em n not see em. also, this calculator can convert inches to cm, feet to m, pounds to kg, vice varsa n stuff. so cool. this is like the ultimate calculator. i never got so excited over functions of calculator b4 but this is amazin considerin how much it can help u. i've not used a graphic calculator yet but when i use it in uni, i think i'll b more impressed. but tt's for equations n graphs only i suppose. Junli, u took FM, u should know? tell me! Another function i discovered is tt this new one can compute complex numbers as well. u can key in 'i' n they can tell u the magnitude as well as the angle of the pt from the origin. even if it isnt complex, u can still key in x y cordinates n it can calculate the magnitude n angle. also remember those vector diagrams in phy? u can key in one line n add anothern get the magnitude n angle of the resultant line. i was like, whoa, if i'm used to usin all these functions, it would save me a lot of time! but i'm rather reluctant to use it for exams yet coz i'm not used to it. i'm too used to the old one where i know where the imp keys r. those ones hav been relocated in the new one. things like e, DRG, FSE, pie, nPr nCr n others r used usin shift function so better practice wif em if i'm gonna use this for exams.
this is quite sad. we're juz studyin whole day until end of november. i'm really demoralised by chem. i juz feel like studyin only for maths n phy. i gotta re do organic chem from scratch n i think i hav to dedicate one wk solely on tt. n tt's not revisin either. so wat can i expect when i sit for the paper? i'll still b like, erm, this is this tt is tt n all. i'm so screwed. n i havent started on options too. gonna do phy n inorganic bit by bit while i do maths n i guess tt should do. phy will start next wk. i got it all planned out but can i really execute it. i still hav SAT II to do. arrgh, its such a pain in the arse...
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