"I am not your rolling wheels
I am the highway
I am not your carpet ride
I am the sky
I am not your blowing wind
I am the lightening
I am not your autumn moon
I am the night"
okay, first thing! as i roughly expected, i got a 40 for my maths. tt means i estimated quite well, wit the lenient marks. i did quite well for p1, comin v close to a pass, which would hav been very possible had it not been for some very very amateurish mistakes. i lost quite a couple coz of tt. p2, as i expected. quite bad, sufferin brain freeze n all so didnt expect much out of it. i remember i could b lucky n get an E, but wit 40, its right in the middle between a F and an E so i guess i'm lucky? haha. it seems a lot of ppl failed for maths. the fact tt i'm gettin closer to the passin mark if i didnt make the careless mistakes could mean i could hav got an E. tt means i'm gettin there. very slowly, but surely.
gonna do all november qtns from 92 usin my solutions bk. get basics right, gotta do vectors n complex number, as well as functions from scratch, n i think i'm done wit the foundation revision. the rest is practice.
had fire drill while checkin paper, which was really tirin standin under the hot sun. got back to maths later n got a lashin from our maths tutor. cant blame her, i mean, only few in our class passed n its quite bad, really.
we continued watchin 'Meet The Parents' for moral ed coz we finished our ME syllabus (theres even a syllabus for tt, imagine!) we couldnt really extend the watchin time beyond the period, even tho we had rest of the day free. went down, ate somethin to fill my stomach, then did phy mcq practice which Mr. Mannan left behind for us to do. after tt, i took a nap b4 Sunny told me whether i was ready to go out wif the class.
well, wat an event it turned out to b. nothin had been decided when i got there n everyone couldnt agree on wat to do. basically there were ppl who wanted to watch movie, n there were those who wanted to bowl. n the others didnt wanna do either of tt. i hate it when there r like large group of ppl n they cant agree coz someone's always not agreein. n when u ask em wat they prefer to do, they make it more difficult by sayin they dont know. great. u dun seem to do anythin tt we r tryin get everyone to do n u cant even offer a suggestion. i mean, wat the hell r u doin then? fuck off! n there were ppl who were not goin but participatin in the confusion. i mean, i'm sure they were tryin to help us get things organised but they seemed to make things difficult for us. some ppl r really inconsiderate, from wat i observed. its like, if u dun do things tt they wanna do, then they wont go. come on guys, compromise? i mean, u cant always hav ur way. sometimes gotta do things in the interest for the best situation. worse thin, if one decides to back out, the other follows, n it causes chain reaction. wat the hell is this? u dun wanna go coz one person's not comin? r u goin out for tt person only for do u really wanna go out wif the class? n ok, i get it, its supposed to b a 'class outin' but if interests really conflict, then is it so necessary for the whole class to go out if it makes partial part unhappy? i dun see the pt. so it was really frustration for the majority of us coz we couldnt get anythin done at all. in the end, i juz couldnt take it anymore. i juz said, those who wanna watch movie, go ahead, those who wanna bowl, go bowl. so it happened for sometime. but in the end, those who were supposed to go bowlin went back home. wat the heck? now tt u r allowed to do wat u want, u juz decide to pack it up. then there were few who wanted to follow us to the movie, but decided tt since there r so few ppl, they wanna go home too. *sigh* never knew numbers mattered so much when i cant come up wif any idea watsoever how the number influences our activity.
Moral of the story? never leave anythin unplanned till last min coz it'll never work out in a large grp! i think i sense everyone noddin their head in agreement coz we've more or less seen our share of disaster decidin things here n then. but its kinda ridiculous when i heard tt they've been tryin to decide for two, three days but kept on sayin, decide tomorrow, decide tomorrow n in the end got nothin done. i cant understand y ppl r so reluctant to assume responsibility in these situation. someones gotta do it, y not u? i mean, it juz decidin where to go n wat to do. wat hav u got to b afraid of? ure not facin any possibility of payin any excessive money, humiliation nor blame. so y r u waitin for ppl to make decision? n wats worse, if ure gonna disagree wif everythin, y dont u come up wif somethin n make urself useful rather than troublin everyone.
in the end, Sunny, Arvin, Mel n I went to Lido after some bus mania where Arvin got in the bus, but there were no space for the rest of us, so we had to take another route n rendezvous wif Arvin later on. but alas, it was not meant to b as we missed the timin by 15 min. i told em no pt, coz if u miss first part of 'Pirates' then its really ptless. the next possible timin was 3 at great world or somethin but when Arvin said she cant go home late, with the movie bein like 2 hr 20 min, we decided to do the usual, n often enjoyable, sittin down n talk, well, mostly bitch. haha. we commented n bitched about all sorts of things, which i think is a better form of gettin to know one another better than not havin direct activity like watchin a movie.
got my chem guide bk later on, which i think i'm convinced i'll study much better with. i'll complete my inorganic n physical chem as usual first, as those two r the ones i can cover pretty fast. the environmental options seem quite extensive n i'm rather hopeful n confident i'll do tt option now. so all is lookin gd for me here, really.
got back, quite exhausted, slept a little then got about doin maths. did sample paper 1, which is ok, not so bad. will do a little N92 later on, b4 readin up on physical chem guide bk. i'm still takin med, so feelin a little swayin rite now.
hmm.. gonna play soccer in the mornin wif the class. tho its not official PE. o yah, i got selected to b so called model for sch yr bk. there r quite a lot of others in it too but not much of big deal really. i guess these grp's faces will b more recognisable in the yr bk. hope it doesnt clash while i'm playin soccer tomorrow.
somethin still wrong wif the blog. i think i messed wif the HTML too much. gotta see wats wrong, refresh the skin or change skin in the wkend.
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